January 29, 2024

Driving Sustainability with PIM

#sustainability #pim #datamanagement #esg

Sustainability is one of the top priorities on the 2024 Agenda. It is a necessity for the sake of the planet, it is required by progressively more stringent regulations and it is also a massive competitive differentiator for brands that want to appeal to modern consumers.

Therefore, it makes sense to start the new year with Juergen Mueller and Al Bissmeyer at Viamedici , with a session dedicated to "Driving Sustainability with PIM".

Gone are the times when it was enough for companies to change the colour of their logo to green and call themselves sustainable. True product sustainability, and your ability to communicate it to consumers, depends on information and on your ability to document and share the specific data that make your organisation sustainable.

This is where PIM steps in, helping organisations to fulfil the stringent compliance requirements and to provide the transparent information that companies need, to appeal to modern consumers. 

Whether you are a CxO, a marketer or a Data professional, this is a session to assist you in your sustainability effort, turning a compliance burden into an opportunity, enabling you to turn a cost into profit.