September 13, 2023

5 things to look forward to at the 8th Data Management ThinkLab in Berlin

After a wonderful summer, there’s something to look forward to this fall. After 3 years of virtual events, the Data Management ThinkLab, our signature in-person event, is finally back!

We cannot deny that although we have enjoyed and embraced virtual events, in-person events have something special and impossible to replicate.

Moreover, as human beings, we need and yearn for connection with others, and when great people come together to meet, discuss, debate, brainstorm together, that’s when the magic happens. 

1. True participation

At our event, we deliberately keep the number of participants limited in order to ensure meaningful connections. Attendees can connect with speakers and  other attendees, ask questions to speakers and be part of engaging roundtable discussions, where the line between speakers and participants is blurred. Everything from the attendees list, the ample space given to networking breaks, the variety of roundtable discussions to the time given to Q&A is aimed at making you interact with the content and turning you into active participants. Remember, that true learning and knowledge absorption occur through interaction and practice. This is why we choose this formula.

2. Independent opinions from practitioners like yourself

At the Data Management ThinkLab, the majority of the participants are practitioners and end users like yourself, those who work with Data and manage to elevate it to a strategic asset in their organisation. Therefore, what you get are unbiased opinions and concrete data stories that you can apply to your organisation. 

3. Connections that matter

The virtual world allows us to stay connected despite the distance, but now that we can finally shake hands again, it’s time to celebrate the value of in-person connections. Those that happen while sipping coffee, during dinner or in the elevator. We know and you know that many of the most important relationships come from that initial face to face encounter, and only then can it be maintained and nurtured via digital channels. 
Over the last few years, ThinkLinkers has built  a global community that spans across the world and embraces the magic of in-person connections and continues in the digital world. By joining one of our conferences, the connections that you create and the knowledge that you absorb do not end after the conference; in fact, through our Linkedin channel we consistently create content meant to stimulate discussions and debate, whether it’s our free linkedin podcast with top thought leaders, our polls or our online courses. 

4. Navigate the the Age of AI with confidence

At ThinkLinkers, we don’t want to sell you on innovations for the sake of innovations.Technology innovations are evolving at the speed of light. We don’t even have the time to comprehend the potential and something new already pops up. 
A lot of it is hype, but there’s also immense value, and in the midst of fear and excitement, we aim to provide you with an assessment rooted in critical thinking, positivity and confidence. Technology is a tool, but we are in control and it is up to us to make the best of all the amazing innovation happening in this age. Embrace the future, isolate value from hype and remain in control!

5. Foundations first!

With all the innovations happening nowadays, it’s easy to get distracted and disoriented, and it would be easy for us to build a program with a mish-mash of buzzwords and hype. However, as a Data professional, you know that without solid Data Management foundations, data governance, data quality and a sustainable Data Culture, the adoption of new technologies will fall flat. 

Therefore, we put together a program that puts the foundations of Data Management first and treats them as a springboard for innovations and growth. Remember the old adage: garbage in, garbage out. It applies to new tech too!

Last but not least, the ThinkLinkers team will be there!

If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s time to join the 8th Data Management ThinkLab, the gathering for discerning data professionals who seek knowledge and action, learning and applying, and finally, bonding and debating with like minded professionals on a shared journey towards Data Management Excellence.