Images and Words that Leave a Mark

December 09, 2018

Why Should You Join a ThinkLinkers Workshop?

Do you wonder why, among all other conferences, you should join a ThinkLinkers event?

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November 15, 2018 Natalia Kotova

Customer First — Understanding the Customer and Shifting the Mindset as a Prerequisite for CX Improvement. A Chat with Sebastian Syperek from Deutsche Bahn

ThinkLinkers talked to Sebastian who shared with us about the importance of understanding the profile of the customer; therefore, what makes him tick and why it's crucial for organisations to put the customer first.

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November 13, 2018 Natalia Kotova

Keeping Pace with the AI MDM Community. A Chat with Christian Fuchs from Camelot Management Consultants AG

Christian Fuchs, Head of Artificial Intelligence for Information Management at CAMELOT Management.

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June 12, 2018

MDM ThinkLab, Berlin, April 2018

The MDM ThinkLab is a leading networking event for Master Data Managers.

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March 23, 2018 Natalia Kotova

AI MDM — Embracing the future. A Chat with Henrik Baumeier from Camelot Management Consultants

We're pleased to introduce Camelot Management Consultants AG, the Innovation Partner for our Data Quality and Data as an Asset: MDM ThinkLab, scheduled for the 12th-13th of April in Berlin.  Henrik Baumeier, Partner for Master Data and Enterprise Information Management from Camelot Management Consultants AG, shared with us a bit about their AI MDM Community and data-driven digital transformation. 

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February 18, 2018 Natalia Kotova

Future Challenges and Goals for MDM Professionals — A Chat with Yaniv Naor from Hugo Boss

It's a pleasure and honour to introduce Yaniv Naor, Senior MDM Business Lead from Hugo Boss, our speaker to our Data Quality and Data as an Asset: MDM ThinkLab, scheduled for the 12th-13th of April in Berlin.

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January 25, 2018 Natalia Kotova

Get the Basics Right to Unlock Business Value - A Chat with Stibo Systems #ThinkData

We are proud to introduce Stibo Systems, the Solution Partner for our Data Quality and Data as an Asset.

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January 11, 2017 Natalia Kotova

Visions's Monika Pürsing: Our MDM solution

Thinklinkers are proud to introduce our MDM event partners, zetVisions, whom we have asked to address a few key MDM challenges that will shape the agenda of our imminent MDM event.

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